Ready to get serious about battling the pornography addiction? Know someone that is need of help? Here is a place to get started. If a disclaimer even needs to be made, here it is: use of these resources doesn't guarantee freedom. And if you think this post is a way to deal with your sin while keeping it quiet - doing it on your own so nobody else knows - you need to bring it to the light. There's a reason we are not to walk the Christian life alone. Slaying sin is part of that reason: it happens better in community with fellow believers than in dark isolation. That said... Killing pornography addiction requires a 2 front attack: spiritual and practical. First, is the spiritual. Until you are fully convinced of the reality that in Jesus Christ alone is fullness of joy and satisfaction, then you will seek joy and satisfaction somewhere else: food, sports, sex, power, popularity, clothing, pornography, fitness, alcohol, etc. And so to kill the craving for pornography (or any other addiction), you must find your fullness in Christ. Daily you need to read and study your Bible where Jesus Christ is revealed and magnified. You need to be listening to the Word of God faithfully preached each Lord's Day. You need the truth of God's word masterfully applied to your soul. You need to be on your face before God, seeking forgiveness, grace, contentment, strength, and humility. Second, the practical. Days, weeks, months, years of looking at porn are not stopped with a sudden new found conviction to exercise self-control. Old habits die hard and this is more than just a bad habit. It is slavery. And so there will need to be practical boundaries and fences, cutting off hands and plucking out eyes. The resources below address both fronts in the war. Books (Understand that reading them is not enough; you must read with a commitment before God and man and reliance upon God to act on the truth that you find here.)
Helping your children
A few thoughts on using these resources -
Be killing sin or it will be killing you.
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